


2015-2018     中国美术学院跨媒体艺术学院基本视觉研究,硕士学位 2012-2015     中国美术学院跨媒体艺术学院实验影像工作室,学士学位

获奖 / 入围

2024 汉堡华语影像展 “静息万变”展映单元 2023 山形国际纪录片电影节 千波万波单元 优秀奖 2023 北京国际短片联展 中子单元 2023 西湖国际纪录片大会 “纪录之光”单元 2022 第四届海南岛国际电影节 采珠拾贝单元 2020 2020HiShorts!厦门短片周实验短片单元 2020 CineCina纽约华语电影节地平线计划实验影像单元 2019 西湖国际纪录片大会(IDF)“IDF学院”培育单元 2018     北京国际短片联展(BISFF)“潮汐”华语短片竞赛单元潮汐奖 2018     入围欧洲独立电影奖(EIFA) 2018     罗中立奖学金入围奖 2018     中国美术学院崇丽艺术奖 2015     中国美术学院毕业创作暨林风眠创作奖“铜奖” 2015     国家奖学金


2024 第二届导演艺术展,韩涛美术馆,济南 2024 出神,澳门牛坊仓库,中国澳门 2023 “影之道”活性建筑展览,上海当代艺术博物馆/香奈儿文化基金,上海 2023 影像病理学——河岸影像周视频艺术展,MOM ART SPACE,德国,汉堡 2023 艺动古村:祖母绿,梦中语,桐庐县凤翙高岗古村落 2022 拟合· 波浪态第二章,浪回:草图集,彼邻壹号艺术空间,杭州 2022 “沈蕊兰:明处见暗梦 ”个人专题,CEF实验影像中心数字档案馆 2021 Flyway飞路中英精神健康艺术展,刺鸟栖息地 / Artlink Central,上海、苏格兰 2021 “晴雨表”艺术项目,天目里,杭州 2020 未来未来——青年实验影像计划,实验影像中心,上海 2020 杭州新影像Hangzhou New Cinema线上影展,伦敦 2020 CineCina纽约华语电影节,地平线计划单元短片联展,西安、杭州、南京、深圳 2020 江苏影像新浪潮作品联展,上海、无锡、杭州、南京 2020 CineCina云影展,杭州“新浪潮”短片特别节,Cathayplay 2019 “东方诗意 黄山影像”,国家典籍博物馆,北京 2019 之江国际青年艺术周,象山公社,杭州 2019 “无效兑换”,中国美术学院美术馆,杭州 2018     北京国际短片联展,潮汐华语短片竞赛单元,北京 2018     罗中立奖学金入围展,四川美术学院美术馆-罗中立美术馆,重庆 2018     第二届“郎静山杯”中国新画意摄影双年展,淮安 2018    “寄言2028”,中国美术学院毕业展,杭州 2017    “无界动生”,三尚当代艺术馆,杭州 2016    “相对论-MTM25周年跨界艺术展”,MTM Art Space,北京 2016    “逸气旁出”白马当代艺术邀请展,白马当代艺术中心,杭州 2016    “诗影重重”,2016“影像当代”艺术家邀请展,千岛湖 2015    “浴火”,白马当代艺术中心,杭州 2015    “山水相望”,中国美术学院毕业展,杭州 2014    “未尽之一——1,以及它不可能的孤独”,梁画廊,杭州 2014     “产生许可”一个空间,杭州 2013     “12-1”自由展 ,一个空间,杭州

讲座 / 活动

2022 时空与媒介降灵,零诗社·庐舍公开诗会 作品&对谈 2019 女拾穗者:捕捉时代的气息,BISFF2019,北京
2018 AME影说&《迦罗沙曳》放映,九五外,杭州 2018 摄影笔 x 小众先锋 | 纪录片《迦罗沙曳》放映及交流,摄影笔,北京

Shen Ruilan

(b.1993, Jiangsu province, China)now lives and works in Hangzhou. She studied from 2011 to 2018 at the China Academy of Art, Studio of Experimental Image and Institute of Radical Visual, where she gained a BA and then an MA. Shen is intrigued by the shared sense of transience between the medium of film and material objects exiled from the everyday life. Her work invites the audience for a ghostly wandering in the remains of the visual journeys between eyes and objects. Her artistic practice remakes the moving image, the material space, folk tales and text of her own writing.


2015-2018       MA  Institute of Radical Visual,School of Inter-media Art,China Academy of Art 2012-2015       BA  Studio of Experimental Image,School of Inter-media Art,China Academy of Art


2024 Chinese Film Festival Hamburg 2023 YAMAGATA Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival,New Asian Currents Awards of Excellence 2023        BISFF 2018, Selection, Beijing International Short Film Festival (BISFF) 2023 The 6th West Lake International Documentary Festival(IDF)Glory of Documentary 2023 Hainan Island International Film Festival, New Horizons Selection 2020 HiShorts!Film Festival,Expreimental Selection 2020 CineCina Film Festival,Project Horizon Selection 2019 The 3th West Lake International Documentary Festival(IDF)IDF Academy 2018         BISFF 2018 Tide Award, Marée Chinses Selection, Beijing International Short Film Festival (BISFF) 2018         Official selection of the European Independent Film Award (EIFA) 2018         Official selection of Luo Zhongli Scholarship 2018         Chongli Art Prize of graduation work, China Academy of Art 2015        Bronze Award of graduation work, China Academy of Art 2015 National Scholarship


2024 Egress of the Spirit,Ox Warehouse,Macao 2023 ‘The Shape of Shadow’ Dynamic Architecture,Power Station of Art / Chanel Culture Fun,Shanghai 2023 Film Pathology:As a part of Chinese film+Chinese film and video festival, Hamburg, Germany 2023 Arts in Motion:Dream Tales,Grandma Whispers,Tonglu Huigang 2022 Undertows sketches, Affinity Waveform Chapter II, Bilin Art Space, Hangzhou, China 2022 Shen Ruilan: Dream (Un)lit, Centre for Experimental Film - Digital Archive 2021 Flyway Art and Mental Health Exhibition between China and Scotland, Artlink Central, Shanghai, Scotland 2020 Future,Future——Young Artists’ Experimental Film Project, Centre for Experimental Film, Shanghai 2020 ‘Hangzhou New Cinema’ Online Film Season, London 2020 CineCina Film Festival, Project Horizon screenings, Xi’an, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Shenzhen 2020 New Wave Films of Jiangsu,Shanghai, Wuxi, Hangzhou, Nanjing 2020 CineCina Online Film FestivalSpecial ScreeningNew wave films of Hangzhou,Cathayplay 2019  Invalid Exchange - Young artists support project, CAA Art Museum, Hangzhou, China 2019  Zhijiang International Youth Art Festival, Xiangshan Art Commune, Hangzhou, China 2018         2018 Luo Zhongli Scholarship Exhibition, Sichuan Fine Arts Institute Museum of Art, Chongqing, China 2018         Beijing International Short Film Festival, Marée Chinses Selection, Beijing, China 2018         Lang Jingshan Cup China New Pictorial Photography Biennale, Huaian, China 2018         A Prospection 2028, 2018 Graduation Exhibition of China Academy of Art, Hangzhou, China 2017         Wu Jie Sheng Dong, Sanshang art, Hangzhou, China 2016         Relativity——MTM 25th Anniversary Exhibition, MTM Art Space, Beijing, China 2016        The Poetic Traces, the Contemporary  Video Art Exhibition, Qiandao Lake, China 2016         Transcending Spirit, Baima Contemporary Art Exhibition, BAIMA Center Of Contemporary Art, Hangzhou, China 2015         Born From Fire, BAIMA Center Of Contemporary Art, Hangzhou, China 2015         Mountains and Rivers, 2015 Graduation Exhibition of China Academy of Art, Hangzhou, China 2014         Endless 1 and its impossible loneliness, Liang  Gallery, Hangzhou, China 2014         Permission, 1 space, Hangzhou, China 2013         12-1 Exhibition, 1 space, Hangzhou, China


2019 BISFF2019 Panels: The Gleaners , Beijing
2018        AME Filmtalk & Documentary The Cassock Screening, Jiuwuwai, Hangzhou, China 2018        Documentary The Cassock Screening with Q&A, Camera Stylo, Beijing, China