




阅读一段来自祖母失眠时刻的语音,临摹一次个人记忆在此刻的重建和短暂停滞; 用手机在夜里记录岸边失神的人影,隔着湖水望见无限接近又无限遥远的城市景观逐渐消散。影片试图重构个体在时间中被遗忘和被边缘化的部分,并将可视化图像以外的表达延伸到现实的维度,通过影像身体内部的漫游,完成多次正负形之间的往返跳跃,抵达记忆的晦暗之地。

From Dark Matters



An intimate reading experience of voice messages from my grandmother‘s sleepless moments. A portrait of personal memory as it is reimagined and lingers for an instant. My phone camera documents wandering figures by a lakeside at night. Across from the lake, the sight of the dissolving cityscape appears to be both infinitely close and extremely remote. This film attempts to reconstruct the forgotten and the marginalized parts of individual beings in the scope of time. The film explores what’s beyond the visual expression and flows out of the flat screen to co-inhabit the space of the audience’s reality. The viewers would find themselves roaming through the ontological existence of film, confronted with sound, light, darkness, time and rhythms, transitioning between positive space and negative space, and approaching the very ambiguity of memory.

©Shen Ruilan